Library News
We have one Librarian- Mrs Lidbetter who is here from Monday to Thursday.
Our library is open at lunch time Monday to Thursday.
Books can be returned before school, recess, lunch and during lessons.
- Quiet work in library
- Speak politely
- Respect books
- Be considerate
- Listen to others
- Take turns
- Pack up after yourself
- Return all equipment
- Follow instructions
- Raise your hand and wait for help
- Kinder to Year 6- use a library bag
- Line up and wait to be invited in
- Exit the library in a orderly manner
- A person must not write in or on or mark or cause any damage to any library books
Lunchtime Activities
- Reading quietly
- Drawing
- Computer research or games
- Print (with permission)
- Search for resources / topics
- Monitors to help you
- Talk with your friends
- Reserve a computer for project work
Borrowing Limits per week
- K-2 can borrow 1 book.
- Yrs 3-4 can borrow 2 books,
- Yrs 5-6 can borrow 3 books
Loans are for 7 days but can renewed. Overdue books need to be returned or paid for if lost or damaged.
Areas For The Library
In our school library Students mostly use SENIOR FICTION, JUNIOR FICTION, NON FICTION & REFERENCE sections or areas.
Senior Fiction (SF section)
Each book in our large range of Senior Fiction is shelved under the author's surname and has the first three letters of his/her surname on the spine label.
Look out for great authors like:
Di Bates, SF BAT (eg. Senior Fiction section B shelf)
Roald Dahl, SF DAH
Andy Griffin, SF GRI
Emily Rodda, SF ROD
Paul Jennings, SF JEN
Stephen Michael King, SF KIN
These are picture books and easier reading books. They are fun to read for ALL ages. Junior Fiction books are shelved under the author's surname and has the first three letters of his/her surname on the spine label.
Non Fiction (NF sectionn)
A wide range of subjects are available in Non-Fiction. They are shelved by their Dewey decimal spine label (which is a number on the spine) These books have numbers that are arranged in their subject area. For example, animals 591, insects 595.7, mammals 599.
The bottom of the spine label has three letters which are the first three letters of the author's surname.
Reference (R section)
Reference books are large books too heavy to take home and encyclopedias. They are for use in the library only.
Other Areas of the Library are for teachers use only
Aboriginal Resources (AB), Computer Software (COM), English Resources (ER), Gifted & Talented (GAT), Human Society in our Environment (HS), Infants Resource (IR), Child Protection (PD), Special Education (SPE), Learning Difficulties (STL), Staffroom (STR), and Teacher's Resources (T/R).
Loan of Library Materials
Books marked as Reference are "not for loan" and shall not be removed from the Library.