Campbelltown North PS Mobile Telephone Policy
Parents of some students, for safety reasons, may wish for their children to have access to mobile telephones on their way to and from school. The school supports this decision within the guidelines of this policy.
To enable students to have access to mobile telephones for safety reasons, before and after school, without interference to the daily running of the school's educational programs.
· Students are allowed to make telephone calls, to designated people only at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day for safety reasons only
· Students are to turn mobile telephones off after making their morning call
· Mobile telephones will be taken from students if used outside the guidelines of the policy and collected by parents/guardians
· Students will not be allowed to bring a mobile telephone to school without a parent or guardian signing a Mobile Telephone Policy Agreement
· Staff will take all care but accept no responsibility for loss or damage to mobile telephones.
Mobile Telephone Policy Agreement
I, ___________________ agree for my son/daughter/guardian, __________________ to carry a mobile telephone according to the Campbelltown North PS's Mobile Telephone Policy. If a mobile telephone is used outside these guidelines the school will take possession of the mobile telephone until collected by myself/other parent. I have discussed the Mobile Telephone Policy with my child so that they understand the procedures. I understand that staff will take all care but accept no responsibility for loss or damage to mobile telephones.
Signed: ________________________ Date: __________________________